mercredi 20 août 2014

Optimizing Adsense For Better Performance and More Money!


So you want to make money with Google Adsense? I don't blame you, who doesn't want residual income! This article will show you how to better optimize Google AdSense to make more money from your web site(s).

Before we get into it, learn more about Google AdSense here:

First and foremost is: Positioning

Where you position your AdSense link boxes and banner ads is extremely important. Trying to make money from the bottom of your pages within your website just won't cut it. You need to add your AdSense links right in the heart of your template or right in the heart of your content. I would personally suggest both actually.

Adding AdSense in the heart of your template:

Link Units:

Since the introduction of Google AdSense "link units", we can now add what looks like a "menu system" to compliment our menu system within our website. This is HUGE. Have you ever just clicked on a website and kept clicking on the menu links? I know we all have. By adding a "Google link units" to your menu, you will get more clicks than you thought possible. Try adding the link units near the top for better performance and try creating your link units to match the color of your menu system in place. Once in a while I find myself clicking on a menu link unit without even realizing it which in turn gives more money to the website owner.

Leaderboards & Skyscrapers:

These may very well be your "bread & butter". I only say this because of the sheer size of these ads units. The best place to add these ad units is obvious; Straight across the very top of your website (leaderboards), and straight down the side of your template (skyscrapers). Anywhere else may not look proper within your template and may look unprofessional.

Square & Rectangle Ad Units:

These are great to compliment the mass amount of content within your website and also within your recommended resources. You want to compliment your content, you don't want AdSense to BE your content because this will look poor on your part. AdSense is very popular with webmasters; who doesn't want to make some extra money. However, don't forget that many of your visitors are also used to seeing AdSense within a website, and need a good reason to click on them.

Square and rectangular units are great to use within articles posted on your website or within your link resources. Try adding your AdSense boxes above your resource links within a page to give your AdSense account that added extra exposure.

Just remember that Google allows up to 3 ad units per page. Using these 3 strategies will help to better optimize AdSense for positioning! Let's now go onto targeting...

Optimizing Adsense: Taking out non-related ads!

Do you ever wonder how ads like "business card specials" ever get displayed on to your website when your company content is all about baby clothing? Since the introduction of "Adwords Site Targeting", we now have to keep an eye on the ads being displayed on our website(s). Companies may now specifically target your website for more exposure. There is no restriction whether the website is content related or not, just more marketing exposure for the advertiser.


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