dimanche 24 août 2014

10 Ways to Better AdSense Earnings


Top 10 Ways To Make More Money from AdSense Using Keywords
  • Obtain a URL with very important keywords in your niche: I can't say enough about this. The #1 reason I have so many domains is because when you build a niche site if the domain has your top 2 or 3 keywords in it - you immediately start getting traffic from post #1. This is very important.
  • Use permalinks, pretty URL's, etc: This is second most important whether you are using WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, Mambo, or whatever. As soon as you setup your software turn on permalinks, pretty URL's, or whatever it's called so you posts have "site.com/this-is-my-post". Having great keywords in the URL past the top level domain name is only second to keywords in the domain name itself.
  • Find the Best Keywords and Phrases: DO YOUR RESEARCH! Find out how to do keyword research. If you don't know what the best keywords for your niche are - there really isn't much point reading any farther than this...
  • Create a Great Title: When you write a post the title controls much more than you think. Everyday I read great articles with crappy titles. With every title you need to be thinking of using keywords that will be searched for while linkbaiting a title enticing people to click. This can be harder than it sounds, because the best titles are 6-8 words or less. I've gotten better at this over time, but it's just practice, practice, practice to become a master at it!
  • Have an H1 Title first: WordPress natively takes your html post title tag and puts it into an H1 tag as the textual title on the post's web page. If you use another CMS like Drupal, Joomla, Mambo, or something else make sure your Content Management System does the same. Keywords in header tags (especially the first header of the page) carry much more weight than laster in the content areas.
  • Start with a Synopsis Paragraph: Unless you are writing custom meta description tags for every single page the most important area of any post or page after the title is that first paragraph. This paragraph ultimately becomes your description under you title link in search engine results pages. You want to stick to 2 or 3 sentences when possible, or at least place your important keywords there. Remember - what you type will not only determine how well this page comes up in search results, but also how your page is described and why people click!
  • Bold important keywords as you write: As you write your post or article bold keywords and phrases when you are making points. These keywords, combined with your title and synopsis help target ads (and traffic!).
  • Link relevant sources: This is a given, but should be mentioned. Be sure to link only relevant items in your post - it helps target everything.
  • Organize sections using h3 and h4 headings: Using h3 and h4 headers in longer pages and posts is a great way to "sub-title" the page with even more targeted keywords. It's also easier to organize information (and for more people to follow and read).
  • Use keyword laden categories and tags: Just before you publish that page or post, be sure to use great keywords to both categorize and tag it.

READ FULL ARTICLE:  ezinearticles.com

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