dimanche 1 juin 2014

The Update on Google AdSense Product Ideas Page

update 2Since its launch, Google AdSense has become a greatly valuable asset to a lot of web site owners. AdSense has given free and bountiful opportunities for users to earn some revenue on the Internet. Once you enroll in this application and enable advertisements on your web sites, you can start rolling for cash. Advertisements are managed by Google and it can generate passive yet easy significant income as these ads are paid on a per-click or per-impression basis.
Previously, Google has given another treat for loyal AdSense users when they launched the Product Ideas for AdSense page. This is the company’s way of giving individuals the best service possible. It works like a wish list where people can collectively contribute suggestions directly to Google on how AdSense can further improve and suit the tastes of consumers. Google has pledged to listen to the ideas submitted to them, and use one of them to enhance their products and services.
Google’s team of engineering and product experts have dedicated on transforming the people’s suggestions into reality. As of the moment, Google have been picking the best ideas out of more than 600 suggestions they have received from around 3,500 people around the globe who have casted almost 35,000 votes as of the moment. There’s already a lot of topics that vary in nature that were already shared, such as filtering tweaks, transparency issues, reporting systems, and account management.
As of late, Google has made progress in creating new features from people’s contributions. These updates are already live and are ready to use:
The AdSense Revenue Share
Many publishers have asked for greater transparency about how much a publisher earns from AdSense. In answer to their requests, Google is now publicly sharing the revenue share for its main products, AdSense for content and AdSense for search. Since these two are different services, their revenue shares are different for each. Google reveals that they pay publishers who use AdSense for content with 68% of the revenue they get from advertising companies. On the other hand, those who use AdSense for search earn as much as 51% of the total revenue from the search ads.
Category Blocking
Some publishers also requested to have the ability to filter certain ad categories, such as weight loss and politics. Thus, Google is now offering the category blocking feature to most parts of the world in 13 languages. Blocking as much as 11 ad categories from your web pages like dating and religion is now made possible in many languages, including English, Italian, German, French, Spanish, Arabic, and Dutch. Google is also in the process creating filters for ads in Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Portuguese and Polish.
Changing the Country of Payment
Receiving payment even if you change addresses when you transfer from one place to another is now possible, thanks to the new Change Country option in its AdSense’s new interface. You can now easily change the specific country of your payment address directly in the Account settings section of AdSense. There are still exceptions though; due to tighter constraints in certain regions, relocating from/to these requires you to create another account.
Revenue Tracking
Google AdSense has also added a new feature where you can automatically track your revenue so you can easily compare the performance of your site based on size and type. The new interface generates detailed performance reports according to different Ad units, Ad sizes and Ad types. This allows you to clearly observe which of the ads on your site perform best.
Date Range Selector
Google is bringing some essence of Google Analytics to the AdSense with its data range selector which is included in its new interface. Similar to Google Analytics, this tool allows you to view data across different date ranges. You can also draw comparisons from two date ranges so you could observe how your ad earnings have varied over time.
Additional Timeframes for Performance Reports
In addition to the features above, the Performance Report page allows you to study data in various time frames. You can generate reports based on day, week and month. You can also choose multiple timeframes to analyze at the same time.
Google has not yet stopped on pushing for developments on AdSense. They are still asking for more ideas and feedback to continuously improve the service.
READ MORE: searchconcepts.com

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