mardi 20 mai 2014

How to make money with Adsense: Beginners guide

Most people want to know how to make money with Adsense. Adsense Google is one of the most well known internet marketing tactics to make money. Basically, you need to build a website around your niche (what is niche?), apply for your Adsense account (we will cover it in our future articles about Adsense) and…earn on autopilot?
That is the truth in general, but things are not so easy. First of all, you need to perform a good keyword research (we will discuss about it) and optimize content on your blog. Picking a good niche for your Adsense blog can be very tricky. I will teach you how to avoid newbie mistakes. First of all, you have to know that Adsense Google program can be very profitable but it is not a way of how to make money fast online. It takes time, but once you start earning, you can almost earn on autopilot which means you can rinse and repeat – find another profitable niche, do a keyword research, build another website around your keywords, and so on.
First things first.
Let me explain you briefly what is Adsense and how it works:
Adsense is Google’s online advertising platform. Using elements such as the current website’s content and user’s geographical location based on his IP address, Google is able to deliver ads that target visitor’s exact interests.
How Adsense marketing works? For example, you are engaging in this kind of marketing for a company that sells tires, and you have a website for ” how to change a tire on a car”. First listing in Google would be an article about how to change a tire. When the website’s visitor click on it , your ad will appear on his screen, which can be extremely useful, especially if you are in search for local customers. Google will actually detect the consumer in the local area and show your ads to that customer. All of that thanks to Adsense marketing.
How do you make it work for you? You need to find a good and profitable niche and build a website around related keywords. Furthermore, you need to fill it up with quality content and optimize your website properly. That way visitors will easyly find your site when they search for products related to your keyword(s). When you apply for Adsense and get approval, Google Adsense ads related to the keyword will starts to show up at your website. EVERY TIME when visitors click on any ad on your website, you will be payed. How much, it depends of your niche and “cost per click” . Cost per click (CPC) is the amount website owner earn each time a user clicks on an ad. Cost per click is determined by the advertiser. Some of them are willing to pay more than the others. It depends on what they are advertising.
But, before you apply for Adsense, you need to find a profitable (sub)niche, build a website, optimize it and promote it. Don’t just think that you can build a website, upload it and traffic will arrive all by itself. You need to invest time to bring the traffic. There are a lot of ways to bring a traffic, which we will discuss in future articles. Step by step explained:
- find a profitable niche
- find a good niche related long tail keywords
- build a website
- promote a website
- earn money from your visitor clicks
In future articles, I will take you step by step through Adsense marketing. I will teach you how to avoid mistakes such as making MFA (made for Adsense) type of websites, because you will get easily fall into Google’s sandbox in a very short time. I will also write here about good link building tactics which will improve your rankings fast. Better rankings mean better online visibility, which leads to more visitors. More visitors increase your chances for clicks on your ads, and don’t forget- clicks make money.
In next article I will explain to you how to find a profitable niche and some most important “Dos and Don’ts ” for Adsense marketing. This is a very profitable form of Internet marketing, but you need to invest some time and like I am always saying – to be persistent. In a few months you can have a website which can earn you may be small sum of money: 30-100$…but once you have experience in Adsense, you will be able to make and optimize 3,4 websites per month and start to earning from them in the next few months. It is very realistic to have 20-25 websites at the end of your first year as an Internet marketer, earning 50-100$ per website. And that is just a first year. I am doing Adsense for more than three years, and I can’t complain ;) . But, I was persistent! Now most of my earnings come from autopilot.
Most probably, one Adsense website won’t make you rich, it will be pocket money. Don’t discourage yourself with this truth. There is also one of most powerful rules about Internet marketing-” it is all about the numbers”, which means: when you gain experience working on one or two Adsense websites and find a most profitable way that can bring you money, then you will need a far less time to build another two websites…then another then another. The power of numbers – 100$ isn’t a lot, but what if you can have 10, 20…50+ websites, each earning a 50-100$?
Think about it.

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