mercredi 21 mai 2014

Google Adsense: Very Important Tips

Here are a few tips that will help you in making a good show on AdSense front.
1) Amount of content: First and foremost thing to focus on if you wish to earn anything from Google AdSense is good content. You’ll be spared of lots of wastage of time and energy if you stop believing that by just creating a blog you can earn hundreds (if not thousands) of dollars. Forget it, if you do not continuously update your website with new content. By “continuous” I don’t mean a post in a month. Remember, content is king. The more content you have the better it would be for your cause.
2) Quality of content: If not more, this is as important as the amount of content. What you write should be original and of good enough quality. Use whichever language you are most comfortable with -but write without spelling or grammar mistakes. The material should address the topic well enough and be of interest to the readers.
3) Do not copy: If you think you can simply copy the stuff from 1000 websites and put together a new website for AdSense to work; trust me it won’t work. Google has algorithms that can detect originality of the content. This, however, does not mean that you can not write on topics that people have already written about. For sure you can pick up any topic of your choice -you can even read the existing material and write your stuff on the basis of that. BUT there must be some value addition that you do from you side. Also, don’t copy paragraphs or sentences too often.
4) No obscene content: Google’s policies strictly prohibit AdSense to be put on websites that have pornographic material on it. So, beware! Acquiring Adsense approval is not an easy thing; do not let your publishership go waste just by indulging in the temptation of using sex to get traffic. You might get traffic by putting sexually explicit material on your website -you will certainly lose your AdSense approval.
5) Keywords matter: Remember, not all types of content bring equal amount of AdSense success. Some of the keywords are more sought after by the advertisers and those keywords are more expensive. Therefore you get a good commission on such AdSense advertisements.
6) Do not stuff your content with “high value” keywords: Knowing that the keywords matter -some people desperately fill there content with keywords having high value. Such and approach might backfire. As I said before, the content is king. If readers get irritated with your forced stuffing of keywords -they will simply stop coming to your website. As a result, you will go down in the Google search results. Overall, you will lose readers instead of getting new ones.
7) High traffic does not necessarily translate into success: Well, the advertisements on your website are not clicked by a visitor who just happened to come to your website and then left within few seconds. It is your readers who click on the ads. So, aim for getting more readers and not more traffic.
8 ) Language matters: Google AdSense is available only for those websites that provide content in a specific language. If you write in any other language than the ones included in the list of AdSense -you are not likely to get AdSense approval for your website. If you get approval for a website in English (AdSense supported language) and use the same AdSense code on a Hindi website (Hindi is not yet supported in AdSense) -then I guess though Google has no problem -but you will not be successful. Google will simply fail to show any useful ads on website with unsupported language.
9) Right placement is very important: I have seen that most people will put ads on their website just anywhere without thinking. They do not realize that the correct placement of ads in extremely important and that it is a science. One has to think from the viewpoint of the readers. One has to identify the portions of the website where readers are more likely to cast a look. One has to do an organized research to know which places are best. A general “heat map” is available that gives you a rough idea as to in which spots the ads have been most successful. This map is based on scientific facts. Researchers have tracked the eyeballs of the readers, have sifted through the clicking patterns and have studied the general tendencies of a reader in order to come up with this heat map.
10) Do not copy the ad placement ideas from another successful website: This might sound absurd to you -but it is true that every website has its own specific heat map and one has to figure it out on his/her own. If a big rectangular image ad in top right corner is working good for your friends’ website -this does not necessarily mean that the same placement will work on your website as well. Its difficult to explain how and why it is so. But it is true. Readers of different kinds of content have different tendencies about looking at ads and clicking on them. Moreover, your website’s structure also dictates the correct placements of ads.

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