mercredi 7 mai 2014

Adsense Tools and Tips - Free Business Ideas

Google AdSense Page Setup:
A money making AdSense Page Setup is by no means easy. Here are the AdSense Tools and tips you need to get it right. The process calls for a lot of researching and learning. It takes time to start earning enough money to quit your day job but with dedication you will eventually get there. One big plus for AdSense is that once a page is properly set up, and starts earning money, it requires no maintenance; it will continue making money without you doing anything about it.

Now, let's look at AdSense Page Setup step-by-step.

Web Hosting:

This business is all about creating web sites and making money from them. The most important AdSense Tool is, therefore, a well constructed and properly hosted website.There are numerous web hosting packages offered on the Internet today and it is very easy to get lost..Your host should:-

  • Help you with domain registration - (Choose a,, or a
  • Be reasonably priced. Hosting should not exceed $20 a month.
  • Offer unlimited page hosting. This will enable you to create all of your pages on one account.
  • Offer a free and user-friendly page writer with easy to use tools.
  • Have a wide selection of templates for a professional looking web construction for these without any knowledge of HTML.
  • Adequate storage capacity with a good online support and back-up.
We use both Hostigator and Weebly and we have had no reason to complain.


Once you have your web hosted, you are ready to start your “Keyword or Keyword Phrase Research"  The research is perhaps the hardest and longest part of the job.  You are looking for topics that aren’t too competitive because your aim is to get onto the first page of Google search results of your selected keyword without spending money on advertisements.

Think of the way people search for information on the Internet eg, 'Small Business Opportunities.'  If you search this Keyword Phrase using the Google Search Bar below, the results will show that there are over 72,000,000 websites using this phrase. A very high competition indeed. Don't get discouraged; you are here to learn how to get around this.

Another adsense tool you will need is:  This tool will give you:-

  • Alternative keyword  ideas for any keyword or phrase you come up with.
  • How many people are searching for each Keyword or Phrase monthly depending on your geographical preference. You don't want a keyword that nobody is searching for.
  • How much advertisers are willing to pay Google per click. Remember you will be getting a percentage of this for clicks made on your website. The more the better for you.
  • An indication of the competition for that keyword; how many websites are using the keyword.
  • A click on any keyword displayed will take to the first page of Google Search Results giving you the highest placed websites on that keyword.

Having seen the ten sites on the first page of Google Search Results, you want to know their strength according to Google Page rank. Page rank (PR) is a scale Google uses to compare the importance of one web page to another. The scale runs from 0 to 10, 10 being the highest. All other things being equal, the higher the PR the more difficult it is to pass the page in the search results.

Your target all the time is to appear number one for any keyword you choose without the heavy cost of Pay Per Click (PPC) advertising. I try to avoid keywords for which any of the first five sites on the Search Results is PR4 or above.

How to Check Page Rank: 

One method is to install the Google toolbar. It is free and works with both

Internet Explorer and Firefox.. Once installed, this adsense tool automatically gives the PR of any web page you open.

If you are using Firefox, it is a wonderful browser, you can install a SEOQuakeplug-in. This will give you a lot more information about any web site than just the PR and without visiting the site. SEOQuake, among other things, will also give you the number of back-links for each site. The fewer the back-links your competitors have the better for you.

Another alternative is to use The PageRankLookup which does not require any software installation. This is a multiple PR checker with a capacity of checking 100 sites at a go. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO):

All this process of searching for the right keyword is known as SEO It is time consuming and can turn out to be very frustrating. If your problem is time and not money you may consider buying a software that does a lot of work for you.
This software program is aimed at optimizing PPC advertising income by searching for competitive keywords and keyword phrases, and then incorporating competitive keywords into web-page content. Unlike other programs which analyze data and then leave the content to the user, this software generates its own content and provides web-page templates as well. Buyers receive a bonus of free lifetime upgrades and an instructional video. It costs $97.

But I must emphasize that this software is not an absolutely necessary adsense tool as you can get the same results by going the long way.

Keyword Placement:
For the Search engine to know what your web-page is all about, Keyword Placement is crucial. It is necessary to include the Keyword in:   

  • The title of the page if  the page writer allows it,
  • Page Headline,
  • The opening words of the first paragraph.
  • The middle of the article, once or twice depending on the length,
  • The last paragraph of the article.
Ensure that the keyword or phrase falls in naturally and makes grammatical sense.Write about four or five articles (minimum 400 words) on one keyword and its variations. For example, if you write about Coffee, you can write articles on Coffee Production, Coffee Roasting, Coffee Marketing, Coffee Consumption, etc, etc.

Get Back-Links to Your Site:
Link building is key to getting good rankings on Google. Google considers links to your site as signatures of approval of your site by all the sites linking to it. And the higher the ranking of the sites linking to yours, the higher your site is likely to get ranked.

Only ONE WAY links count for Google's ranking purposes. Reciprocal  links DO NOT count.

Once your site is properly set up you should spend most of your time looking for and creating links and only a relatively shorter time finding new keywords and creating content to expand your site.

How Do You Get Back-Links?
There are several methods of getting back-links:-

  • Guest posting on blogs ; read other people's blogs, give your comments in the space provided, sign with your name and web address.
  • Write articles for article directories like,, etc. Just enter Free Article Directories in Google Search and you will get a long list of directories to choose from.
  • Submit your site to web directories; search for Free Web Directories in Google Search.
Avoid, and I repeat, avoid promoting your site in the social networks like facebook, twitter, etc. Google does not consider these sites of much commercial value to AdWord advertisers.

If you spend a little time each day and utilize these adsense tools properly, there is no reason why you should not start seeing some positive results within a few months.


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