mardi 18 mars 2014

Learn How To Use AdSense Meta Tags To Improve AdSense Earning

Meta Tags Learn How To Use AdSense Meta Tags To Improve AdSense EarningAlmost all website publishers know how to make money with AdSense. But only a few know the process of optimizing their site with the help of meta tags. Proper use of AdSense Meta tags can boost up your AdSense revenue by as much as 25–30%. With proper meta tags, you can provide yourself a leverage in AdSense.

Many don’t feel the importance of Meta tags in a website. Let me tell you, they are. Theses tags are very important to get you a high rank in search engine rankings. If there is no content on your web page, then crawlers will look out for Meta tags to display ads. Meta tags have a considerable influence on the ads of the page. This is a very important space which needs to be filled. Therefore inject high paying keywords in AdSense Meta tags.

You should always be adding Meta tags into the HTML source of your pages. When a publisher creates a lot of content rich keyword pages, he/she must use these keywords in to the Meta tags for each of the pages so that the visitors will be able to view specific pages on their query. Using Meta tags in all of your pages enhances your chances to get ads in each one of them. There are two types of Meta tags in an HTML page.

i. Meta keyword tags:

Keywords are inserted in these tags. They are written as:
<meta name = “keywords” content = “web design sites, design sites on internet, best web design sites” />
Synonyms for keywords can also be used. Just make sure that the keywords used for each page are relevant to the content of the page.

ii. Meta description tags:

code 3 Learn How To Use AdSense Meta Tags To Improve AdSense Earning
This is the small description that is displayed on the search engine result page. You must insert it in your HTML source.It looks like

<meta name =”description” content=” XXXXXXXXXXXX”/>

Here you insert a small description of your entire content. You may use keywords in this description.
Meta tags are needed to be placed before the title tag in each of your webpages. These are the few simple changes that you need to make in your HTML codes to attract ads for your websites. Doing this will also get you more traffic as it bubbles up your rank in search engine ranking. In case you are not getting ads for a long time, then try changing meta tags. This gives you another chance to invite crawlers to examine your site again.


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