dimanche 16 mars 2014

Importance Of AdSense Content And Tips On How To Write It

By Guru Sanket Biswal

Importance Of AdSense Content And Tips On How To Write ItYour website may have all the qualities to become an AdSense hit. An extremely authoritative part is the content of your site. If you do not have quality content, no matter what you do, your site will never get good high paying ads. The most important constituent of your website is your content. To gain high quality traffic, you must have an exquisite content. Content is the most crucial factor considered by Google when it decides to put up an ad on your website. Write focused and niche AdSense content to target your audience.
If you are able to generate a segmented traffic which belongs to your niche, then definitely ad’s Click through rate will be higher. The more focused your AdSense content, the more targeted your site becomes when it comes to answering people questions via organic search traffic. It means that they are more likely to click on the ads shown on your page to search for their answers. Creating a content rich website is one of the effective attractors for your traffic. Find a niche in which you can write categorized AdSense content and stick to it. Here are some of the AdSense content writing tips for you which will help you to write great content.

i. Write something in your site that interests you:

You must have a passion for the topics you are writing. If you, yourself are not interested in your content, then how can you expect your audience to be interested in same? It can be any category politics, science, technology, history etc., anything, but you should use your own interest to give your blog a clear focus.

ii. Write original and evergreen content:

Do not copy your content with any site. Not only does this loses you traffic but it also lowers your search engine rankings. Be innovative and creative to write original content. Also write timeless evergreen content so that your site/blog will have repeated traffic. You need not write content again and again if you have a timeless content. Write it once and rest to get lifetime AdSense earnings.

iii. Provide up-to-date information:

Sites/Blogs providing outdated information is hated by visitors. Find out what’s happening around you and provide correct and up-to-date information to your audience.

iv. Add pictures and videos:

Blogging is not all about writing. Yes it can improve your writing skills but you can also add pictures, images and videos to your blog. Improve your multimedia skills by posting slideshows or digital video reports, seminars, guides etc.

v. Format your Content:

People don’t tend to read your content line by line as they read in books, newspapers. They tend to scan your content at the very first look to get a feel about your site. This is the time when you can intrigue audience to stick to your site. Provide visual clues, images, figures, and statistics to grab an eye of a visitor at the very first time when he/she looks at your site.

vi. Enhance user experience:

Providing excellent facilities to visitors to enhance and enrich their experience. Make your content for the worth they spending their time in it. Instead of writing small articles, try writing lengthy articles of 500 words in which you can expound techniques. But use short paragraphs to explain them. Help them to understand the topic better. Use a search engine box in your site, in case a user wants an immediate search. Provide them tools and resources related to your content.

vii. Niche:

Last but not the least; find a niche for your content. Target your audience and write related and relevant content for them. This will help you get more targeted ads. Niche content with high paying keywords will make you rich within a few days. Use keyword research tool to find high paying keywords and then start writing related content.

viii. Write consistent and focused AdSense content:

Google serves ads based on the content each of your pages. Keep your content focused to help Google determine which ads are the most relevant to your readers. Write consistently and stay focused on a specific topic. It increases the likelihood that Google will display ads on your blog that your readers are apt to click on.

READ MORE: fedobe.com

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