mercredi 12 mars 2014

10 Tips to Maximize CTR - Google Adsense Secrets Revealed

In my previous post about CTR, I have provided three methods for improving your CTR. They are crucial, especially when you want to earn more money from Google Adsense. Just like what I did for the part "Driving Traffic", I will try to generalize and give you ten brief tips that enable you to have a quick scan on this post within ten minutes and at the same time, have in-depth knowledge in boosting CTR. Enjoy!
1) The most important factor is about the placement of ads. Even if you have used the highest-paid ads, you won't earn more unless your visitors click on them. From my experience, the best place to see the ad is the top of your web page and the next is aside your document's text (just like the right column of my blog). Visitors will click it more frequently since it will look like your text.
2) You should try to make your ads look as a part of your web page. In other words, it is a matter of blending. An ad should not stand out as an ad. Visitors are not positive to online advertising and become "blind" to ads as time goes on. (For avoiding ads blindness, please visit: They search the internet for content not ads. Especially for Banners - they have a less of 0.5% response. Imagine if you have an Adsense ad looking like the typical Banner with different colors. It will not be profitable. So, don't have any high contrast between your ads and your content text.
3) Another observation from my adsense experience is that, text ads are better than image ads. Like what I said in the previous point, people are more responsive to text than images. In a way it is considered as a part of the content text and is more clickable.
4) No Border ads. One of the best tricks is to erase the borders of Adsense ads and make them, again, having the same color with your website's background.
5) No ads other than Google Adsense ads. Being legitimate according to Google's TOS is one reason and the second more practical reason is that you do not want to distract your visitor's attention and go somewhere else without clicking your Adsense ads. 
6) Traffic. Try to use legitimate ways of traffic. Some people use Google Adwords and other Pay-per-click search engines. The problem here is to search very carefully for the right niche and keywords in order to make your campaigns profitable. Other ways are link popularity techniques like directories, software or even mass blog submission techniques. Remember, never join those link farms, because that will downgrade your PR and search engine's algorithms are so clever that they will even ban your listings.
7) Do not rely on one website. If it is possible, try to make as many websites that contain different contents as possible. Think about it, if you have 10 websites and every website of your own can only make 1 buck per day on average, then you can already have an average income of 10 bucks per day. Does it sound good?
8) Content is King. I am sure you have heard about it. It is a joke if you still do not realize the importance of content. Articles are one of the best tactics to create huge websites that will be crawled by search engine's robots. Don't forget search engines exist to provide relevant content at first.
9) Submit your sites with various site maps. Google's site maps visit your site and crawl it much sooner than any other submission process. You can submit your brand-new site at: . The same rule applies to other sitemaps, like Yahoo!
10) Relevant ads. It's one of the most important factors for Adsense success. If the internet user can't find a relevant ad in your page, he or she won't click the ad. So it's important to create relevant resource for your web page. Contact Google whenever you do not have targeted and relevant ads in your site(s). 

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