lundi 17 février 2014

Making Money From Adsense

Making Money For Every Click

There are two sources that our sites will be generating revenue from: PPC Ads and Affiliate programs. If you remember from the last lesson, PPC (Pay Per Click) ads are the ones that pay you for each time that one of your visitors clicks on an ad. Affiliate programs are the ones where the advertiser pays you a fee for each customer that you refer to them.
Google AdSense is a PPC network that anyone can signup for. This lesson has two objectives: to help you create a new account at AdSense and once that is complete, to help you install the ads on your site so that you can begin to generate revenue.

How Google AdSense Works

Google built the AdSense “network” on a very simple model: they are the middlemen between advertisers and publishers (publisher: someone who puts advertisements on their website, you are a publisher).
Essentially this is what happens: An advertiser comes to Google and wants to buy clicks about knitting. They say that they are willing to pay $1 per click. Then, you display a piece of code on your site that will automatically connect you with this advertiser and display their knitting ad. You send them 100 clicks. Then, the advertiser pays Google, Google takes itʼs cut (no one knows exactly how much, but letʼs say 30%) and then Google will cut you a check for $70.
Take that one knitting example and multiply it by millions of times per day. That is AdSense. The great thing about this system is that it is all automatic. You just put a piece of code on your site, and Google will find ads that match your siteʼs content. It will (magically) know that your site is about knitting, then it will find knitting advertisers and voila – your site shows ads about knitting within minutes.
Now that we have covered the basics, I recommend that you take a quick tour from AdSenseʼs own site:

Creating an AdSense Account

This part will be a little bit tricky for us, because once you apply for a new account it will take about 3 days for them to review and approve your account.
You will notice on the sign up form that they ask for your website so that they can review it. If you have followed the instructions in building your site up until this point, you should have no problem getting your site approved. They are simply checking tomake sure that you have nothing that would violate their standards (i.e. adult content, spam, etc.).
So before you can apply, you do need your site online, looking decent, and you do need to have at least a handful of articles that are active (you should have over 10 by now!). If so, visit: and click “sign up” to apply for an account. It is self explanatory and should take less than 2 minutes.
NOTE: Once you have an account, you are free to place ads on as many websites as you want, you do not have to reapply for a new account each time you build a new site.
Apply for your account now and continue this lesson once you are approved.

Installing the AdSense Code

Alright, once you have received an email from Google saying that your AdSense account has been approved (should take about 3 business days), we are ready to actually place the ads on your new site.
Login to your AdSense account and you will notice that there are a few different sections that you can navigate to once you are logged in. This course will not cover everything that you can do within AdSense. If you have any questions, feel free tobrowse the help files in the top right corner of AdSense. We will simply discuss how to place a new basic ad on your site.
In the top right corner you should see Publisher ID: with a bunch of numbers, copy all of those numbers exactly as they are shown (ignore the pub- or ca-pub before the numbers).
The first thing I want to mention is that if you have the skills, you can create all kinds of custom ads from with AdSense by going to AdSense Setup, creating the codes and then pasting them into the right places of your site. If you want to learn how to do that, by all means, please do. However this tutorial will discuss a much easier method. Once you have copied the numbers, we are done with AdSense. You can log out of your account.
Return to your blog and login to the WP admin area. We are going to use a plugin that will manage our ads for us. Go to Plugins > Add New from the left menu. Search for “AdSense” and scroll down until you find one called “All in One AdSense and YPN” click install and then again, the orange install button. Select activate this plugin. Now you will see a new section titled “AdSense” under the left Settings menu.
Click on this new AdSense link from the left menu.From here, you are free to play around with the settings on your own but I will give you the default information that you need. Everything that I do not mention can be left blank.
• Adsense ID: Enter your numbers that we copied above.
• Ad formats to show: 300×250.
• Ad positioning: top left.
• Ads to show per page: 1
• Ads to show per post: 1
Then click save and view your site. There should be one adSense unit displaying to the left of each page on your site. This is one of the prime position for AdSense ads, this location encourages many clicks and I have found it to work very well on my own sites.
What we have covered above is the extent of our AdSense tutorial. There are many more things you can do with AdSense, and other places that you can install the ad code. This should be all we need to get a great start, but if your site is up and running and you are looking for more complex setups that might generate more revenue, feel free to Google your ideas or email me for some resources on this topic.

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