vendredi 3 janvier 2014
How to Make Money with Google AdSense
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by Steven Lyons
Do you have a website or blog? Thinking about making one? If you answered yes to either of those questions, then you should strongly consider implementing Google AdSense ads to your site. It's simple and effective, Google will give you lines of code to put into your site and these will show up as ads that are related to your sites content. You get paid every time a visitor to your site clicks on one of these ads! It sounds simple and it is, the hard part is getting traffic to your website or blog.
Say you have a website that is filled with basketball tutorials, technique tips, the list goes on. There's pages in it that tell you how to properly shoot the basketball, how to dribble quickly, ect. And this site gets a fair amount of traffic every day, lets say it gets 125 visitors every day (beleive it or not, you can make alot of money with traffic as low as 100 visitors every day). So someone is reading a page on how to pass the basketball, and as they are reading, they notice an ad somewhere on the page- "Nike Baketball Shoes, 25% off!", this article interests them and they click on it. This is where you make money, Google will pay you a sum of money for that single click! The amount you'll get paid is always different. I've heard of people getting as little as a few cents per click, to as much as a few dollars per click! For me the average usually was like 15 cents-65 cents, but I got $1.30 for one click once.
Now lets look at this at a much larger scope. So we established before that your informational basketball website earns a consistent 125 unique site visitors every day. Say that you have a 7% clickthrough rate, meaning that for every 100 visitors, 7 of them will click on an ad. On an average day with 125 viewers, you'll get 8.75 viewers, lets round that to 9. You get 9 clicks per day on average, lets say that each of these clicks yeilds 30 cents. That means you'll be getting $2.70 per day on average. This doesnt sound like alot, and it isn't, a 7% clickthrough rate isn't very high, and even though 125 visitors is a decent number, it can be MUCH higher.
When you produce more content, and you find ways to promote your site, you'll surely see a higher number of visitors than 125 per day. As for increasing your clickthrough rate, this is a largely disputed subject. Some people claim that changing the color of your ads and removing borders tends to increase your CTR, made possible because Google allows you to "customize" your ads and make them appear as you like. What I've found is that making your ads blend in with your site's colors and removing the borders around the ad certainly helps increase your CTR. However, many people beleive that this isn't technically right, as many of your clicks are probably coming from people thinking that the ads are apart of the site instead of links to elsewhere. You have to consider that Google hasnt done anything about it during the many years of AdSense's existence, so they must not have a problem with it...
Lets take a quick look at what the statistics would be of a powerhouse website. In all honesty, these statistics can be achieved with any site that you put time and effort into, if you work hard on your site, you'll see these numbers. This site achieves an average 1000 visitors per day with a 20% CTR. Every day, this site revieves 200 clicks on ads. We'll keep the same average 30 cents a click. Do the math, and you'll see that this site earns a nice $60 every day, and the site owner really doesn't have to do anything that day to achieve those numbers.
The final thing I'd like to add is how much work you have to put into this. Pay close attention. If you do everything right while creating your website, and put alot of effort and time during the creation phase,you will see that you rarely need to add new content to keep your site traffic consistent! So do the work in the beginning, and it should be smooth sailing from there. You should occasionally add new content to your site, it keeps previous visitors happy.
So good luck, it's a long road, but once you get to the end- you WILL see results. Hope this article helped you!

This post was written by: Franklin Manuel
Franklin Manuel is a professional blogger, web designer and front end web developer. Follow him on Twitter
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1 Responses to “How to Make Money with Google AdSense”
15 octobre 2016 à 14:49
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