mardi 18 février 2014

How to Make CEO Income with Your AdSense Supported Blog


Any business that is successful is the result of hard work. If you are willing to make strong initial effort, CEO level income is possible with AdSense. It won't happen over night, but it can happen. If your are ready to turn in 9-5 job for your own online business that allows you to work when you want to, with the potential to make more money that you ever have, this guide will help you to do just that.

Business Plan
The first thing you need to do is figure out what your service/product will be.
Ask yourself the following questions:
1) What do I have to offer the world?
2) Is there a need I can solve, or problem I can fix?
3) Will the internet reach these people?
4) Are there enough people out there that will need what I have to offer?
If you can provide a service/product that many people want, and the internet will reach them, you may have found a profitable niche.
Read more about developing a Business Plan
Blog Design
Launching a blog is incredible easy. Just give a call. Pay them for your domain name and hosting, and ask them to set you up with a WordPress blog. You can start with a free templet, though you should soon consider styling your blog with graphics that are unique and professional. Gather ideas from our competition and share them with a local Web site designer. You will be creating an environment for people to enter into. make sure to provide them with an environment that communicates quality.
Read more about Website/Blog Design
Compelling Titles
Blog page titles have two goals: 1) To provide search engines with a focused description of the content; and 2) To entice people to visit your article. Titles should let people know that you have the solution. Make them a promise and then fulfill it. If you do, they may come back again, refer their friends, and possibly link to your blog.
Read more about writing Compelling Titles
Writing Quality Content
The pages that rank at the top of search engine results have three elements in common:
1) They are well written
2) They include well chosen keywords
3) They are typically on websites that are somewhat large
The first two elements are things you can control right now. Just do your best to present yourself as an expert in your niche, and do your keyword research. The third element will happen in time.
Read more about Writing Quality Content
Offering freebies to visitors is an excellent way to motivate people to visit your blog. If you own a blog about real estate, for example, consider providing visitors with a printable home inspection guide in PDF format. When you are marketing your blog, make sure to tell them about this free resource.
Many people probably think that a website is like a yellow page ad. You pay for the listing and hope for the best. This mindset will bring a modest amount of traffic, though if you want to attract the kind of traffic that will generate CEO level income you will need to develop a marketing mindset. A marketing mindset is a mindset where you constantly thinking about how you can let the world know that you are out there. You will need to find great marketing resources and exhaust them. If your product is best shared though audio/visual media, make YouTube videos. Don't stop at just one. Make two or three hundred. Every video is a point of entry to your website. The more videos you make the more ways people will have to find you.
Read more about Blog Marketing
AdSense Ad Optimization
AdSense ad optimization is an important element in building a highly profitable blog. Do your research, and then begin experimenting with ad placement. What works on one blog may not work on another. Your best tool though this process are the AdSense URL and Custom channels. They will help you identify what's working and what's not.
Read more about AdSense Ad Optimization
Hard Work Hard work is by far the most important ingredient in this whole recipe for success. Most people that launch a blog to generate passive income give up when they find out it will require an effort. Be excited about earning a nickel a day. This is where you will begin. Then hope for a dollar. The big bucks will happen if you are persistent. It's just going to take time, and a daily devotion to making it happen. Don't give up.

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