mardi 28 janvier 2014

How to Increase Your Adsense Revenue Quickly


Adsense had me frustrated again! It seemed that every time I started making a decent income from my blogs, they changed and algorithm, or something and I found myself back at ground one. I was just about to delete all of my Adsense ads recently but decided to do some last minute research before I was too rash.
It took a bit of looking into bloggs and news about Adsense and I discovered that Google made some changes that was affecting my revenue. The research suggested that pay per click was decreasing on many blogs, and I confirmed the same with my own blog. My traffic had not decreased, but my pay had. First, more ads on a blog will mean less money is awarded per click. Second the more blogs a person has adsense on, especially if some of those blogs have very low ranking, the less money is also awarded per click. This is because quality blogs get more pay per click.
In other words, adsense publishers are penalized for having extra blogs that aren't getting any traffic. The penalty is that you are getting paid based on the reliability of your least valuable blog. This penalty is probably a result of dummy blogs set up for no other reason but to be ad farms. To put a stop to the ridiculous number of ad farms, Google and Adsense have given lower value to blogs that have low traffic and low value.
Now this information sounded a little suspect, but I decided to do my own experiment. Knowing that I had about 10 blogs, 5 of which I update regularly, I went through my blogs and deleted adsense from all of those blogs that were dormant. I also went onto one of those group blog sites I used to use where you insert your Adsense information and get paid for writing for their site. I deleted my adsense publisher ID there too.
I thought it would take weeks or months to see a change but by the same evening I had made a full days pay equal to what I was making a year ago. I checked back the next day to see if it was a fluke, and it wasn't. I had made the same amount of money two days straight when my adsense reveue had been flat for months.
So in summation, my Adsense revenue had dropped due the new payment scale based on the usefullness of blogs a publishers ads are placed on. So to raise my pay per click on my Adsense ads, I deleted adsense ads from any blogs I had that are low quality or dormant. This appeared to raise the overall value of my ads.

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