dimanche 1 décembre 2013

4 Tips for Improving Google AdSense Click Throughs

by Mary Clark

For many eCommerce stores, Google AdSense serves as a key method for increasing revenue. However, just putting up these ads does not guarantee that they will have the click through rate that you want. You need to take the following steps to improve the likelihood that you get that return on your investment that you desire.

Narrowly Tailored

Successful Google AdSense campaigns often have narrowly tailored ads. Remember that you don’t get paid for the number of ads that you offer. You get paid based off of the impressions. It’s important that you make sure the focus of the ads as well as the target audience and the language are as narrowly tailored to the call to action as possible. When you use Google AdSense ads on your eCommerce store, take the time to match the ads to the products sold on the individual pages. This technique alone will make your results significantly better than just randomly associating ads with various pages.
While you can purchase some programs that will allow for a random selection of ads, do not do this. Random selections will not result in the return on your investment that you want.

Always Research the Keywords

There’s no excuse not to research the keywords for your Google AdSense campaigns.
Take the time to use the Google Keyword Tool or another program that will analyze the keywords in your target audience. Look for the trends and identify potential areas where you will have less competition. Just sticking with the keywords that you get initially will minimize your chances for success. It doesn’t matter what platform you choose. Even following strategies in eCommerce for WordPress requires keyword research.

Don’t Use Smart Pricing

The Google AdSense Smart Pricing program still has some bugs to be worked out. The main problem is that the algorithms tend to overestimate the success rate of a campaign, and that means you have to pay more for the ads that you purchase as well as your overall fees.
The Blog Success Journal recommends avoiding this at all costs, even if you think it might increase your overall effectiveness. Individually bidding and tailoring your requests each ad does take more time, but it keeps you from being overcharged. Remember that when you are overcharged you decrease your profit.

Monitor the Accounts

Google AdSense campaigns need to be monitored on a regular basis. Look to see if you are achieving the results that you want. In those campaigns where you are, study what you did. Look for ways to copy that success. In the ones where your campaign is not making that return on your investment, look for what you did wrong and learn from it. Most importantly, stop spending money on campaigns that aren’t giving you the return that you need.
For many eCommerce stores, Google AdSense provides an extra method for monetization. To be successful, you need to make sure that your ads are narrowly tailored. Take the time to research the keywords, and do not use smart pricing.
Once you initiate a campaign, take the time to monitor everything.

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