lundi 25 novembre 2013

Making Money with Adsense: 3 Adsense Rules to Live By (Rule 1)


What is Adsense?
Google's AdSense advertising program is one of the best ways for bloggers and website owners to make money online. AdSense allows website owners and bloggers to post ads on their sites for which they earn revenue when a visitor to their site clicks on the ads displayed.
Here are three basic AdSense rules to know as you get started with the AdSense program. There will be a lot more that you will learn as you begin to implement your AdSense strategy, such as ad placement, size of the ads, and how many to have on a particular page. This list should serve as a primer, several things to keep in mind as you start with AdSense. Once you have these rules ingrained, and if you follow them you will be well on your way to earning money with Adsense.
1) Create Relevant Content. Write good quality articles and posts that help people gain knowledge or that provide other information. This is the most important part of your website. It seems obvious, but some people seem to ignore the quality of their content, instead focusing on advertising and linking "schemes" to try to make money. Your website's success all boils down to the content. You can have the most intricately-designed site, but people won't come back if they don't get anything out of your content.

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